Innovation Passion Commitment

sustainable development
Our roots came from 2006, when Mr. Antonio Ramirez Fajardo, PhD in Bioprocess Engineering, made the decision to leave his Department at University of Almería in order to dedicate himself to agri-food innovation, through the sustainable development of new processes and healthy foods, based on technologies related to natural antioxidant contained in fresh products.
It was during those previous years of entrepreneurship when we were able to develop and apply an exclusive dehydration – texturizing technique, to obtain a unique product with a surprising flavour and a crunchy texture that, could be, itself, a natural source of health for the consumer.
And it was how, in 2011, Natural Crunch was born, inheriting this philosophy of continuous healthy innovation as an indispensable tool for the improvement of products and processes to reach an extreme differentiation, creating absolutely new products perfectly aligned with the food trends: Health, tasty and convenience, avoiding the use of artificial colours, unkown ingredients, incomprehensible “E” numbers, additives and preservatives common to many “fast food” in the Market: VitaSnacks.

Leaders in dehydration and texturization processes
Natural Crunch has participated in several national and international R+D+i projects, and its technological vocation has allowed the company to make a name for itself as MARKET LEADER in the application of dehydration-texturization processes and the development of products based on crunchy and tasty fruits and vegetables.

Natural Crunch’s facilities in Benahadux (Almeria) received important investments to secure all the necessary equipment and enough production capacity to guarantee the QUALITY and TRACEABILITY of our products..
international expansion
With a presence in more than 30 countries in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Oceania and Canada, Natural Crunch continues along its path to international expansion, consolidating markets and opening new frontiers.