The sweet potato is an excellent food, so it should be part of a varied and balanced diet. It is rich in carbohydrates, vitamin A and in certain minerals. It contains very few fats and it is versatile in the kitchen.
Among the many therapeutic sweet potato properties, we find that it is rich in antioxidants and its consumption reduces the heart disease risk, stroke, cataracts and certain types of cancer.
The sweet potato orange contains more vitamin E than any other low-fat food, which improves our heart and skin health.
Moreover the sweet potato is an excellent potassium source, so it helps to prevent and regulate the high blood pressure. It also has a lot of iron which is ideal to be consumed by vegetarians and people who have iron deficiency, since it helps to reduce the infection risk and provides physical and mental energy.
Some sweet potato benefits are:
-In pregnant women, its consumption helps to the good fetus formation.
– It is rich in Vitamin C, B6, B5, B1 y B2.
– The sweet potato fats are minimal.
– It helps to fight stress and the free radicals formation.
– It helps vision by its content in vitamins A, C, E and carotenes.
– It stabilizes glucose levels in the blood and reduces the insulin resistance.
– It is rich in hydrates, essential minerals and antioxidant vitamins.
These benefits can be found in our ‘Boniato Crunch’ VitaSnack which provides 3.3% of the recommended daily amount and it is ideal for both salty and sweet recipes.